a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


They say it's your birthday...

Today is such a special day for me. Happy 30th Birthday to my sweet hubster! (I'd also like to use this time to note that I am much younger than him. I am nowhere near turning 30. Just FYI...)

My other half.

The one that spurs on all our adventures. (And plans them, too, which I am so grateful for!)

How cute of a kiddo was he?!
I love him despite his love for OU.

Before we were dating and I only swooned for him from a far, this was (and still is) one of my favorite pictures of him with his sisters. So handsome.

Thank you for having a best friend that could fall in love with my best friend so we can hang out with our best friends at the same time.

Thank you for loving me and making me laugh.

 Thank you for being a Godly example in our marriage.

I love you!
Happy Birthday!

30 sounds old,


  1. Happy Birthday Ashley!
    I love this post. How much do I owe you for getting a pic on the blog?
