a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


PB Smoothie

Say hello to my go-to lunch, sometimes breakfast and sometimes a small version for a snack.

It's no secret that I love peanut butter which makes this smoothie one of my favorite treats!

Gather your ingredients.

1 c. milk, 1 frozen banana and one large spoonful peanut butter

(Free words of wisdom: I keep a bag of peeled, halved bananas in the freezer at all times for creamy smoothies!)

Combine all the ingredients in a blender...

...and blend away!

Mmmm creamy and peanut butter-y! Delish.

For an extra special treat, add a spoonful of cocoa powder before mixing for a liquid Reese's flavor!

I really love peanut butter,

1 comment:

  1. LOVE pb smoothies! adding vanilla greek yogurt will even up the protein in these and obvi tastes great!
