a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Slow Cooker Week, Day 1

I don't know if you know this, but recently this little cutie entered our lives.


(Just kidding, I knew you knew that, I just wanted to share a super cute picture of her.)

I used to love cooking dinner. It was my time to be creative, decompress, let loose and just relax in the kitchen.

And then I had a baby.

And that basically infinite amount of time I had to cook became a lot shorter depending on when she needed to eat, when she was asleep, when she was awake...you get the idea.

Enter our dinner saver- the slow cooker. (Picture the heavens opening, angels singing and a crock pot falling from the sky.)

I've always been a fan of the slow cooker but have really learned to rely on it over the past few months. This week will all be dedicated to a few of my favorite slow cooker recipes.

Today, I want to share about the Cadillac of slow cookers that I use and a cookbook that I've been loving!

First, my father in law surprised me with this INCREDIBLE slow cooker from Williams-Sonoma a few years ago, The All-Clad Deluxe Slow Cooker.

It cooks evenly and is easy to clean! You can braise or sauté right in the pot over the stove and then set it in the slow cooker to continue cooking. One less pot to clean is fine by me!

It has a great countdown timer and will automatically keep your food warm after the cooking time is over.

Oh and did I mention it's huge?! Seriously. Seven quarts huge. I've even quadrupled the recipe when making apple butter (that's 10 lbs. of apples!) and it handles it like a champ.

You can add this to your wish list from Williams-Sonoma here!
I've also been slowly trying out recipes from my new cookbook, Slow Cooker Revolution from America's Test Kitchen (aka my new, favorite addiction).

All the recipes have been tested and then tested again...and again...and again until they are foolproof for you to recreate at your house! You can order this from Amazon here!
Check back this week for lots of yummy slow cooker recipes!

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