a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Ice Castles

We spend most of our weekends in the mountains- snow-shoeing, skiing and visiting ice castles, of course.

Silverthorne, Colorado has made an incomparable display of ice that I highly recommend checking out! The entire castle area is made completely of ice with no support underneath. There is an icicle "farm" there, as well, where the icicles are "grown" on nets and then taken into the castle at night to be joined to the existing structures.

We talked with one of the men after our visit that goes in at night to climb the structures and attach icicles vertically and then horizontally the next night. When we were there, the castles were about 30 feet tall and they will be open until March, when they hope they will be 50 feet tall!

At night, the ice is lit up and it really is a humbling and beautiful sight! The $10 admission price is a little steep for a short visit but a small price to pay for a unique experience!

On a side note, drinks are not allowed in the ice castle so, hypothetically, if you and your friends went out of the way to go to Starbucks and buy grande warm drinks to slowly sip while you perused the ice castles and then after paying your admission cost they told you that you couldn't take drinks in...you'd have to chug them and burn your tongue. Hypothetical, of course.

Check it out!

Still bitter about chugging my hot chocolate,

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