a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Let's Start At The Very Beginning

Born and raised in Oklahoma, a brief stint in Texas and now I'm here. In the Rocky Mountains. Skiing, snow-shoeing, shoveling snow off my driveway (and counting it as a workout, obvi.) and wearing snow boots even when they don't match my outfit.

I moved from the land of "y'all", pop, teasing combs, drive-thru liquor stores and bright lipstick to the land of "you all" (don't you realize how much longer that takes to say?!), soda, chaco shoes and bruises from slipping on ice.

I am determined to single handedly bring big hair and a courtesy wave when changing lanes to Colorado.

Follow me (literally, you can follow me on the right here...) for yummy recipes, sweet desserts, funny kindergarten student comments and joyful experiences.
Here goes nothin'!

Y'all come back...


  1. Love it! Much more intellectual than my random pics of the girls on the fly...but, then again, that's about all I have time for!

  2. Thanks friends!!!
    And Rachel- I LOVE the pics of your pretty girls!!
