a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Beef and Barley Soup

I wish there was some way I could count the number of times that I've said, "Skinnytaste strikes again!"

She is just so, so good.

What I love is that I am making hearty, delicious meals, sides and desserts that I don't feel guilty about and don't feel like I'm skimping out on a good meal!

She's good. Again.

I'd never cooked with barley before but it was very easy to incorporate into the soup. I found it in the self-serve aisle at my grocery store where you can bag however much you need of different granola, nuts and grains. Perfect.

This is a great meal as the weather (hopefully) gets colder and an even better meal to make and freeze the leftovers since it is a broth/water based soup. Everybody loves a meal that leaves your freezer stocked up, as well!
Click here to visit Skinnytaste for this hearty soup recipe!
I might be Skinnytaste's #1 fan,
P.S. This soup is even better when served with these Rosemary Rolls...and evens out the healthy aspect of the soup...