a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Roasted Strawberries

Oh, ice cream. How I love thee.

Ice cream topped with roasted strawberries? Yes, please.

A simple and delicious way to use up strawberries that are on the verge of going bad!

Roasted Strawberries
Recipe from Martha Stewart Living 
Yield: 2 lbs.
Prep Time: 5 min. Total time: 1 hr 45 minutes, plus cooling time.

-2 lbs. strawberries
-5 tbsp. honey

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
2. Wash, dry and hull strawberries but leave whole. Place in a single layer in a baking dish.
3. Drizzle with the honey and toss to coat.
4. Bake until the syrup begins to thicken and the strawberries are deep red and shrink, around 1 hr and 45 min. 
5. Let cool (syrup will thicken while cooling) and pour over ice cream, yogurt, biscuits or pancakes!
(Chocolate syrup optional but encouraged!)


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