a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Booty Wrap

My mom and I recently got these booty wraps, just in time for warmer weather!
What is a booty wrap, you ask? That's actually a great question because the name could really imply multiple different inventions...but I'm going to assume it's not any of those ideas that you are thinking...anyways...

A booty wrap is a flat, bulkless clothing piece that only has sleeves and pockets. The idea is whenever you're running, walking, out at the park, wherever, and you are carrying around your keys, phone, chap stick stuffed in your running shorts, sports bra, tennis shoes...it all goes in these pockets and lies flat around your booty!

It comes in 4 colors and 3 different sizes and you can buy it online here for $39.99.

Wrap that booty,

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