a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Split Pea & Ham Soup

Remember when I was saying that you think you know a lot about your significant other and then you learn they like scones? Well, then you learn they like Split Pea and Ham soup.

What? That just sounded nasty...and mushy...and baby food-ish. Boy, was I wrong! It is none of those things. Well, maybe mushy, but only because it's soup and soup is pretty mushy.

Anyways, another one of my favorite blogs is Skinnytaste. It's full of healthy, scrumptious recipes all with their Weight Watcher points included. I don't use Weight Watchers but I love knowing that although a recipe may taste decadent or rich, it is low in calories and fat.

So, when my hubster told me that he is a fan of Split Pea and Ham soup, I went straight to Skinnytaste. Her recipe for Split Pea Soup with Ham Hock is anything but nasty, mushy and baby food-ish. It's creamy (without the use of cream), smooth and simple!

I always check our grocery store flyers for what meat is on sale that week to plan my recipes or to buy when it's cheap and throw it in the freezer. Last week, I bought a 10 lb. ham for $12! It's the little things, or 10 lb. things, in life!

After having ham and potatoes for dinner one night, I pulled the ham off of the ham hock and we had soup the next night! (With the PW Rosemary Rolls, of course!)

This recipe is also a great one to freeze and thaw out for a quick, easy dinner! You could even make one batch to have that night and use the ham hock again to make another batch to freeze. A quick tip for freezing soup: make sure to freeze it flat so it is easy to stack!

See here for the original recipe on Skinnytaste!


1 comment:

  1. Ooh my goodness, how much do I love you for posting this!?! Split pea is one of my fave soups (Marc thinks it's nasty! What a weirdo...) and I love Skinnytaste...I will definitely be trying this recipe! Thanks for posting =)
