a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Baby Girl Decor

For the past few months, I've had this gut instinct that we were having a baby girl.

So, we picked out a name, bedding and nursery decor for a...BOY.

I don't know why or how but boys seem much easier to plan for and so I am now 5 months along and back to square one on the planning. We got the name figured out (Charlotte Elizabeth) and I'm stalking obsessing over casually perusing Pinterest and Etsy for little girl nursery ideas.

Gallery walls intimidate me because I see these amazing photos of them in rooms but I feel like when I see them in person or try to do them myself, they turn out a little dull. Nonetheless, I found some adorable options if I do decide to tackle a gallery wall in Charlotte's room.

Here are some options...

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I also love these embroidery hoops with fabric.
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all images via

So, I've really narrowed it down. (note sarcasm).

I openly admit I am not a decorator so any advice? Opinions? Other ideas? Send them my way...please!!

Hubby has no idea what he's getting in to..


  1. My sis-in-law has the fabric embroidery hoops in my nephews room and it's super cute, simple, and easily changeable

    And loove the name! Congrats to you guys!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad to hear that!! Thanks!! That is what I am leaning towards mainly because it's easily changeable...for all the free time I will have once she's born...

  2. Oh my gosh - I'm so glad pinterest wasn't around when I was planning a nursery - I would have NEVER made up my mind. My friend is actually having a boy, but she was pinning stuff before she knew that and has some adorable stuff saved. Thought you might find some cute ideas there: http://pinterest.com/laurenallen/nursery-or-kids-room/

    1. It's overwhelming!! But helpful at the same time! I love all the things she has pinned!! Especially the map letters! Thanks for sharing!

  3. ahhh I LOVE all those pictures!! The embroidery hoops especially! have you seeing babybedding.com ? They have the cutest stuff

    1. No but I am headed there now!! :) We picked some out at PBK that we like so hopefully I'm not torn now!! ha! Can't wait to know if you will be perusing little girl things, too!! :)
