a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies

a southern girl's dialogue on life in the rockies.

cooking.baking.teaching.and general merriment.


Three Years

Happy Third Anniversary to my adventurous, loving and dedicated hubby!

When I look back on the last three years of marriage, the first word that comes to mind is FUN! It started with a fun-filled night of dancing with our friends and family at our wedding and has continued every day since. What a wonderful life we lead!

Since I didn't venture into the blog-world until after our big day, I wanted to feature a few of my favorite things (besides our amazing family and friends!) from our big day.

Our version of the guest book. Monogrammed cards for guests to write their well wishes and advice for us! We love going back and reading through these frequently! 

Crayons and Activity books for the kiddos!

Our wedding invitations were "pocket style" and so we carried that over into our programs.

Easily my favorite thing! Welcomed guests into the reception.

Simply and sparkly cake. Our florist made the mini "E" cake topper, too.

A wii to entertain the non-dancers.

And of course- my sweet, sweet groom.

Cheers to continuing the fun for many, many more years!

I wish we could have another wedding...same bride and groom,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! What a great way to ring in the third year - with sweet baby girl on the way =)
